Dude, You Hear What I Hear? is a rollicking adventure for kids that ensures that nobody will miss out on hearing the REAL Christmas story! The hippest music you’ll hear in a kids musical this season, a fun story that is performable by the smallest group to the largest, and the solid Biblical message that is the hallmark of musicals from Little Big Stuff. Dude … you’ve got to hear this one!
Christmas time is filled with sound! Sometimes, so much sound and noise that we can hardly hear the real message of Christmas.
In the hustle and bustle at a crowded “Mondo-Mart” filled with shoppers, shy Taylor and the rest of her youth group have stopped for some last-minute snacks on their way to a fun Christmas camp. Taylor — not much for talking, but a great hide & seek player — has found the perfect hiding place. So perfect, in fact, that she doesn’t notice when the rest of the group boards the bus and the store is closed for the night! Hard to tell who is more surprised — Taylor, when she emerges from her hiding place, or the fun-loving store mannequins who break their silence assuming that once again, the store is theirs for the night.
Taylor quickly discovers that everything store mannequins know about Christmas is what they’ve heard over the PA system during the Christmas season, and boy, are they misinformed! And, the not-so-high-tech night watchmen listening in from outside the store are nearly as confused as the mannequins.
Approximate Performance Time
45 minutes
Cast List/Character Descriptions
There are 17 speaking roles available for casting in Dude, You Hear What I Hear?. Any of the roles may be played by a boy or a girl with only slight name modifications in the script. The indications below show how we recorded them on the demonstration recording. Many roles could be played by older youth or adults.
Rotate your device horizontally to view the entire table.
Name | Character | Gender | What They’re Like ... | No. of Scenes |
Taylor | (Camper) Lead | Girl | A little girl who seems to be afraid of nothing.Very outgoing, athletic, curious and bright. She is also very shy, though, because of a speech impediment she had as a very young child. | 7 |
Cookie | Mannequin Cook | Girl | Bumbling “cook” mannequin from housewares and kitchen supplies. Cookie is easily terrified of anything she doesn’t know about. And there’s very little she knows about. Clumsy, fearful, yet good-hearted. | 6 |
Tatiana | Mannequin Princess | Girl | Queen of the mannequins.Tatiana believes she truly is a queen and simply tolerates the “common” mannequins she is forced to work with. She is the source of most of the wisdom of the mannequins and “knows” the history of their world -- the store. | 6 |
Moondog | Mannequin Snowboarder | Boy | Uber-cool mannequin snowboarder.Assigned to sporting goods. Has the surfer mentality--nothing bothers him, and life is for fun. | 6 |
Biff | Mannequin Construction Worker | Boy | Mannequin construction worker from the Hardware Department. Not very sophisticated, but he has a real can-do attitude. Very enthusiastic, but a little rough around the edges. | 6 |
Kim | Camp counselor | Girl | Harried camp counselor/van driver. A little loose on discipline, she lets the kids have a little too much leeway, which they enjoy. She cares deeply for the kids, but may have too much on her plate. | 4 |
Joey | Camper | Boy | Energetic, competitive boy who loves the latest “anything.” | 4 |
Madison | Camper | Girl | Sweet girl who loves her friends. More than that, though, she has a crush on “Justin Heartthrob,” the teen idol. | 4 |
Tess | Deputy/Policeman | Girl | Police officer from the tiny town of Forest Creek.A rookie, she’s learning from Barney, who is only too happy to educate her on the finer points of law enforcement (if only he knew them.) | 3 |
Brooke | Camper | Girl | Energetic girl who knows what’s cool. And wants it. She, too, is a fan of Justin Heartthrob. | 3 |
Barney | Deputy/Policeman | Boy | Clumsy police officer from the tiny town of Forest Creek.There’s only two officers in the department: Barney and Tess. Barney is pretty sure he knows everything there is to know about fighting crime, and always wanted to be a big-time detective and solve a big case.This night, he thinks he’s found it. | 3 |
Candy Little | BSN Reporter | Girl | Small-town reporter trying to make the big time. How do you do that? You report a big story. Even if you have to “help” make it bigger. | 3 |
Mrs. Jones | Mondo-Mart Clerk | Girl | A kind, friendly clerk who likes everybody, even Mr. Ebenezer; who she knows is a little “overboard” about profits. | 2 |
Mr. Ebenezer | Mondo-Mart Store Manager/Voice of P.A. | Boy | Mr. Ebenezer (or Ms., if you’d like) is a merchant whose main love in life is making money. Christmas for him is a way to make more money, not a celebration. He doesn’t want anything to interfere with his profits. | 3 |
Sparky | BNN Cameraperson | Boy/Girl | NON-SPEAKING.With Candy Little at all times. Films her when she goes “on air.” Gives hand signals like “ok,” “thumbs-up” to show she’s on air, etc. | 3 |
Alexa | Tatiana’s mannequin sister | Girl | NON-SPEAKING.Alexa becomes one of the characters in the nativity scene, and is very focused on her new job. | 1 |
Rodney | Moondog’s mannequin cousin | Boy | NON-SPEAKING. Rodney also participates in the nativity scene, and does so with the characteristic “family” enthusiasm. | 1 |
Questions or Special Requests?
Are you hoping to record your performance on video and make DVDs or put it up on the web? Please don't hesitate to contact us for this license or any other special requests or questions and we will be happy to help! Visit the Contact Page for more information.
Listen to the Musical
Directors and Choir Workers Only!
No Choir Members Allowed!
Note to Directors
Dear Director,
We have provided the entire audio recording of all our musicals on this site to assist you in thoroughly evaluating the musical. We invite you to listen as many times as you wish, and even to invite your assistants or other choir helpers to come here to help you in evaluating the musical.
However, we ask you to please understand that we have not posted the recording here so that your choir members may utilize this audio to learn the musical, thereby avoiding purchase of the printed scores and/or recordings which are available for sale. Producing a great musical like this requires much work by dedicated writers, and much expense on the part of the publisher.
Simply put, if you use this free audio recording, which is provided for your convenience in evaluating the musical, as the tool to teach the music to the children in the choir instead of purchasing the products for the children, then we cannot afford to create musicals like this. We rely on the income from the purchase of our products (including some great lower-cost options like Bulk CDs, reproducible scripts and lyrics, and reproducible recordings) to fund the expense of producing this project for you.
Thank you for understanding!
Graphics Files
Free graphics files for promotion and signage. Download by clicking the "Download Graphics (.zip)" link below.
Save money, enjoy more flexibility
We are happy to offer these special licensing options to make your life easier:
Reproducible Script & Lyrics
- We provide you with a master file of the drama script and song lyrics (text only, no music score), and a license granting you legal permission to print copies for your kids, copy and paste into PowerPoint or other projection program to use in rehearsals and performance, print on a white board or flip chart. In fact, you can do all of these if you wish.
- You tell us the total quantity of users, and you pay $2.99 per user regardless of whether you print out copies for them every week, or use only projection, etc. The fee is not “per copy,” but “per user.” If you pay for 25 now, and end up with 35 later, you just return here, log in to your account, and pay for the additional users. Or, if the quantity you need to add is less than the default minimum of 15 allowed by the shopping cart, please just email us at, and tell us how many more you need.
- Along with the huge cost-savings, this option offers great flexibility in that you can easily edit the script, allowing you to add or subtract characters, change names, divide up parts, etc., before printing and distributing to your kids. You can also add in staging cues to fit your situation, or add your own director notes or instructions. You may also print copies to send home, print other copies to keep at church or school, print more copies to send home when the first ones are lost ;-), so that no one ever needs to be caught without their copy.
Reproducible Script & Lead Sheets
- Similar to the Script & Lyrics, but the songs are single-stave vocal line scores (just like the choral book) presented in PDF files, while the drama script comes as an easy-to-edit Microsoft Word file. This also offers a tremendous cost savings at just $3.99 per user.
Reproducible Demo Recording
- Burn your own CDs for just $5.99 per copy. We provide you with a license granting you full legal permission to either copy an existing CD (perhaps the CD that comes in the back of the Review Pack), or download the recording in MP3 format. Of course, you may prefer to purchase our Bulk CD 10-packs for $69.99 (essentially $6.99 per disc), or you may choose this reproducible option for $5.99 per copy.
- In addition to the cost savings, this can provide some additional flexibility. You can opt for any quantity (5 copy minimum), and not be constrained to quantities of 10. Before burning your CD copies, you can choose exactly what you want on the copied CDs. For example, you may want to leave off the recorded drama dialog on the copies that most of the kids receive, and only include it on copies that the actors receive.
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