Additional Information
You are purchasing a License which will give you the rights to make copies of the Demo Recording for $5.99 each. You are not purchasing actual CDs if you choose to purchase this option. We will not ship these to you.
Physical Copies
The sale is made for a specific number physical copies which you will make, not for a certain number of users (unlike the Reproducible Script and Song printed options). For example, if you have 30 kids in your production, and want to make CD copies of the recording for them, you may not need to make 30 copies. Because of several siblings in one household, you may only need 20 copies, for example. In that case, you would change the quantity in the shopping cart from the default quantity of 5 to 20, because you will be making 20 copies.
Minimum Quantity
There is a minimum purchase of 5 CD copies for this licensed permission, so the shopping cart shows 5 units to begin with. However, you must change the quantity to reflect the total number of CD copies that you expect to make. Only leave 5 as the quantity if your total number of copies will be 5 or less.
Duplicate or Download
Once you have purchased this license, you may make that number of copies. You may copy from a physical CD (perhaps you got one with a Review Pack of the musical). Or, if you don't have a CD to copy from, you will be given the right to download the recording in MP3 form after making your purchase, and you can burn your CDs from the MP3s. You will have the right to download the "master file" after payment. The Accompaniment CD may never be copied. This license will not give you the right to copy the Accompaniment CD.
In addition to the cost savings, this can provide some additional flexibility. You can opt for any quantity (5 copy minimum), and not be constrained to quantities of 10. Before burning your CD copies, you can choose exactly what you want on the copied CDs. For example, you may want to leave off the recorded drama dialog on the copies that most of the kids receive, and only include it on copies that the actors receive.
Extend Your License
If you find you need to make more CDs beyond the number that you've paid for, you'll need to license the rights for more, then make your additional copies. Simply email us directly at to get started.