Additional Information
You are purchasing a License which will give you the rights to make copies, and/or display the script and song lead sheets for a specific number of kids. You are not purchasing physical copies of anything. We will not ship these to you, but you will download the master files from which you may copy and/or display for the specified number of users.
Users vs. Copies
The sale is made for a specific number of users, not for a certain number of copies. The fee is not “per copy,” but “per user.” You tell us the total quantity of users, and you pay $3.25 per user regardless of whether you print out copies for them every week, or use only projection, etc. For example, if you have 30 kids in your production, you may print the script and the lead sheets, or just the script, or just the lead sheets, etc., as often as you need to for those same 30 kids. Send copies home. Keep copies at the church/school. Project on the screen. Your license covers all of that. You can even edit the script to suit your needs before printing, if you wish.
Minimum Quantity
There is a minimum purchase of 15 users for this licensed permission, so the shopping cart shows 15 units to begin with. However, you must change the quantity to reflect the total number of kids that you expect to have using the Script and/or Lead Sheets. Only leave 15 as the quantity if your total number of users will be 15 or less. If you don't yet know how many you will have, you may purchase the minimum, or your "best guess" to get started, but you must return and purchase the rights for additional users if you end up with more. Or, you can just email us directly, and we'll invoice you for more if you need to add less than the required minimum of 15.
Download the Files
You will have the right to download the "master files" after payment. The master files include the drama script in an editable Microsoft Word document file (text only). We also provide a PDF version of the same file, in case you prefer to print from a "fixed" file where you need not worry about fonts, formatting, and layout. The song Lead Sheets are provided as PDF files (one file per song). You should save these to your hard drive, then you may make copies and/or display for the specified number of users that you paid for. Our Choral Books may never be copied. This license does not give you the right to copy from our Choral Books, only from the "master files" that you download here. You also may not hand-copy or type out the script, or the words to the songs. This license does not allow you to do that. You may only copy the "master files" that you download.
Along with the huge cost-savings, this option offers great flexibility in that you can easily edit the script before printing, allowing you to add or subtract characters, change names, divide up parts, etc., before printing and distributing to your kids. You can also add in staging cues to fit your situation, or add your own director notes or instructions. You may also print copies to send home, print other copies to keep at church or school, print more copies to send home when the first ones are lost ;-), so that no one ever needs to be caught without their copy.
Extend Your License
If your numbers increase, you need to come back and license the rights for more users, then make your additional copies. If the additional quantity is less than the minimum required, simply email us directly at