Additional Information
This downloadable PDF file provides a complete script and music score, including accompaniment and vocal staves, for In A Galilee Far, Far Away, designed for use by directors and piano accompanist. The choral books forIn A Galilee Far, Far Away are Singer/Actor Editions, which means that they do not contain a printed keyboard accompaniment score. The Director/Accompanist Edition is a standalone PDF file (binder not included) for $19.99, and is immediately downloadable upon purchase. This comes with the right to print out copies for use by a piano accompanist, and by the director (or, by all of the directors, if you have more than one).
This score may NOT be duplicated for use by singers or actors.
NOTE: The Director/Accompanist Edition is included as part of the Director’s Resource Kit, so if you are planning to purchase the Director’s Resource Kit, there is no need to also purchase this downloadable edition.