Sheep in Heavenly Peace Reproducible Demo Recording License


This item grants you a license which will give you the rights to make copies of the Demo Recording for $5.99 each. You are not purchasing actual CDs if you choose to purchase this option. We will not ship these to you.

Please do not purchase the minimum of 5, and then make more than 5 copies, or distribute the audio files in any way which will result in more than 5 users gaining access to the recordings! Change the quantity you place into your cart to the exact number of copies that you will be making, or the exact quantity of users to whom you'll be providing the recording in any form.

See the "Additional Information" section below to learn more.

Please enter your "total number of copies" you will make in the quantity field below. Minimum quantity is 5.

Note: Another available option for obtaining the Demo Recording is from iTunes. The complete demo recording ($9.99) as well as individual songs ($0.99) may be a great way for you to “stretch your budget” by encouraging parents to download the recording for their kids. Learn more →

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Reproducible License

Important Note

This item is “reproducible” and requires purchasing licenses for the total number of “users” (singers/kids) rather than the number of copies.

Please Answer the following Question

How many kids will be in your musical?

The number you entered is the number you need to enter into the "Quantity" field before you click "Add to Cart."