Sheep in Heavenly Peace Accompaniment Tracks


This is the background accompaniment that most groups will need to perform with.

Contains two complete versions of the accompaniment tracks: split-track (group vocals–without solos–on right channel, instruments on left channel) and instrumental-only stereo (no vocals at all).

Formats Available

The Accompaniment Tracks are available in two formats: Physical CD (shipped to you) or MP3 Download (available for download immediately after checkout).

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Note: Early editions of the Accompaniment CD were found to be defective. The “Third Edition” (as seen in the picture to the left) corrected the earlier problems. Only the Third Edition is now being shipped, and only the Third Edition should be used. If you suspect that you got ahold of an earlier edition, please check the front cover for the red oval and the words “Third Edition,” which is also shown on the cover of the CD itself. Contact us if you need a replacement.